RJ HexEdit


RJ HexEdit is a text and binary editor. It will let you edit (or view) any existing file, or let you create a new one. You can copy text strings into another program. For instance text into a C++ compiler as a string. Several other formats are also available like Rich Text Format (Word and most other word processors support this). You can also copy any binaries as a raw array or as formatted text into for instance a word processor. You can also insert (Append) a hole file into the document.

You can print any part of the file you want. If you want to print certain pages the editor helps you get the right page to print. Or you can select the text or binaries you'd like to print. Before you print you can view the document in the Print Preview.

All the dialogs have context help. If you need help just click the question mark and a control to get a help window to pop up. You can always get help by pressing a help button, or selecting help from the menu.

The current version is 2.62. Download.

The editor is developed in Visual C++ and it's tested and compatible with Windows 98/Me/2000/XP